yellow clown goby
yellow clown goby

Yellow Clown Goby

  • Saltwater Fish

SDC-Tank Location

$19.99 $19.99 /
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Gobiodon okinawae

A peaceful and easy-to-care for carnivore, the Yellow Clown Goby brings a splash of vibrant color to any tank. It's also compatible with reef setups and thrives in a specific water condition range, making it a great addition for novice and experienced aquarium enthusiasts alike. Max size of 1½" and requires minimum tank size of 10 gallons.

Caution when placing in a tank containing Acropora or similar corals.  Females will lay eggs on the underside causing coral tissue damage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Eric Reagan
Great little fish, very secretive.

Little guy has colored up very well since he came home and spends his time hopping around the rocks and resting in the branches of a purple and green acropora.

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