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Rose Pink Urchin

Rose Pink Urchin

  • Saltwater Invert

SDC-Tank Location

$39.99 $49.99 /
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The Rose Pink Sea Urchin is pinkish purple in color with a round body covered in short spines.  Don’t be surprised when you find sand, rock or unsecured corals are carried in their spines and used as camouflage from predators.

 These urchins thrive in a well-established tank with plenty of live rock and thick sandy substrate for shelter and grazing.  More than one can be kept in larger systems.

 Urchins will feed on waste, small organisms, invertebrates and algae in the rock and substrate.  When algae in your tank is low, they’ll  appreciate a supplement to their diet with small minced meaty foods such as clams, squid and shrimp.  

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Ron Rezek
Best aquarium supplies in Alabama

Great service and advice.

Eric Reagan
Algae eating machine!

Wife bought this guy for her 36g mixed reef. He went to work instantly cleaning the rocks and glass.

aniree smith

Rose Pink Urchin

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