Pajama Cardinalfish (Large)

Pajama Cardinalfish (Large)

  • Saltwater Fish

SDC-Tank Location M5, M11

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Sphaeramia nematoptera

Recommended minimum tank size is 20 gallons.

The Pajama Cardinal is one of the most popular marine aquarium fish, not to be confused with the similar but less-attractive Orbic Cardinal (Sphaeramia orbicularis). ORA is the first hatchery to successfully commercially breed this colorful Cardinal.

Like other Cardinals they are mouth brooders however the larvae do not develop in the mouth.  They are released upon hatch and are among the most challenging larvae we work with.  Most hobbyists assume that all Cardinals reproduce just like a Banggai Cardinal and often overlook the significance of the availability of other species.

As with most cardinals, they are generally docile in aquariums and should not be housed with overly aggressive tankmates. They are a great fish for reef tanks, and swim freely in full view. They will eat a variety of aquarium foods including frozen foods and pellets.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jeff Haizlip
Great addition

I’ve had this guy in quarantine for almost 2 weeks and is going to be moving to my display soon. This is not the first pajama cardinal I’ve had. Very peaceful fish and fun to watch.

Antjuane Chapman

I love the cardinal fish. Their easy to care for and swims around the tank all day!

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