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Daphnia 3.5oz

Daphnia 3.5oz

  • Frozen Food

Hikari Frozen-Tank Location

$6.99 $7.99 /
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Hikari's 3 Step Sterilization process assures unequalled product quality. Free of parasites, harmful bacteria and foul odor, Bio-Pure frozen diets are another example of Hikari's product quality commitment. Packed in pure water and available in our no touch cube packs, Bio-Pure frozen foods provide maximum nutrition with minimum mess. Want the best for your fish? Feed them Hikari! These foods are Bio-Encapsulated with multi-vitamins to provide maximum nutrition for your fish. Hikari utilizes a process similar to gut loading that guarantees your pet will get the vitamins, not the water. Processed through our Mega-Power Freezer so the animals retain their natural color, shape and nutritional benefits.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Nancy Evans
Very Happy with this Daphnia

All my fish just love it.

Jennifer Lafontaine

Guppies loved it and I think my puffer will need a few more tries to take to the frozen daphnia, but she’s a diva about all foods until she’s tried them a few times.

Leslie Sockwell
Great fish food

Daphnia is a great food for small & young fish. I feed it 2 or 3 times a week.

Phillip Partridge
Hikari Frozen Daphnia

My fw community tanks go nuts for this stuff!

Joseph Fuller
Good to find frozen daphnia

Only place in town I’ve found it. The next batch of Cory fry will love it. So glad I finally made it to reeflife. I won’t be a stranger. Great lfs!

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