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Spirulina Mysis Shrimp Cube Pack 3.5 oz

Spirulina Mysis Shrimp Cube Pack 3.5 oz

  • Frozen Food

Hikari Frozen-Tank Location

$7.99 $9.99 /
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A Unique Food Offering

  • Naturally contain fatty acids and fiber beneficial to most freshwater and marine fish
  • A treat almost any fish can readily consume and digest, especially herbivorous fish
  • A combination of vitamins, spirulina algae and live mysis shrimp you cannot duplicate at home
  • Easy to use "no touch" cubes make measured feeding a snap

Proprietary Processes Help Us Offer Unsurpassed Quality

  • 3 Step Sterilized for safety
  • Free of harmful parasites and bacteria or foul odor
  • Multi-step cleansing process offers the world's cleanest frozen foods available today
  • Gut-loaded with Bio-Encapsulated Multi-Vitamins to offer better than live food nutrition
  • Our proprietary Mega-Power Freezer helps us lock in all the nutrition your fish need while maintaining the natural color, taste and texture
  • Hi-tech and highly automated packing machines allow us to maintain the integrity of the animal and avoid pieces and parts common with competitive products

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Paul K Rencibia
Spirulina Mysis Shrimp Cube Pack

Excellent addition to the fishes' diet.

Frozen Food for our Saltwater Aquarium

Our fish and crabs absolutely love the Hikari Bio Pure Frozen Spirulina Mysis Shrimp. We feed it twice a week in place of the dry food and our fish and crabs go into a feeding frenzy.

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