LFS in Birmingham, AL - Open 7 days a week 12pm - 6pm
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RAI-Tank Location FW10
No Shipping, Store Pickup Only.
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(Puntius titteya)
Adds good activity and schooling to the tank
Very healthy and quite large. Excellent customer service as always.
This is the best fish and aquarium store in Birmingham, Hannah is amazing! The fish are the healthiest of anywhere I've ever shopped. I've had aquariums for 50 years so trust me when I say this is the place for beginners or veteran hobbyists. Do not go anywhere else!!
John Lipari
We got one male and 5 female cherry barbs. I swear it looked like there were two males in the batch when Gabby grabbed them, but there was only one male when we got them home. Still, no biggie, and they were all healthy and thriving. They're now in the main tank and doing well.
very nice