LFS in Birmingham, AL - Open 7 days a week 12pm - 6pm
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RAI-Tank Location FW19
No Shipping, Store Pickup Only.
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The Boesemani Rainbow creates a wonderful centerpiece for any freshwater aquarium. Males have a beautiful bluish head that transisitons into a gorgeous orange and yellow posterior. Females are not as colorful, their brilliant silver coloration is equally as stunning against any backdrop of plants or rockwork.
Recommended minimum tank size is 30 gallons.
The staff here is simply amazing. The young lady helping me was so kind, and helpful. She answered every question I had.
Beautiful and getting along with everyone.
Fish are doing great
My new rainbow fish and sunburst swordtails were so healthy and vibrant in my aquarium. Great new additions.😉😍
great fish came home healthy quickly acclimated and colored up some