Mini Pre Filter Sponge Coarse

Mini Pre Filter Sponge Coarse

  • Dry Goods

Aquarium Co-op (In Store Only)-Tank Location

$4.49 $4.49 /
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  • Increases Filter Capacity
  • Reusable, Extends the life of other media
  • Coarse Foam to extend time between cleaning
The medium pre filter sponge is designed for hang on back filters. Adding a pre filter sponge adds to your filtration capacity and extends the life of media in your filter. By filtering out food, small fish, snails, and debris, filter media like Purigen and fine filter pads last longer. Our pre filter sponges use coarse foam which extends the time between cleaning and prevents strain on the filter motor.

Intake hole: 0.5  inches 
Diameter: 1.25 inches
Length: 2.75 inches
Pore Size: 25ppi (different manufacturers rate porosity slightly different as it's an approximation)
Cleaning Instructions: Use a fish bag, ziplock bag or pitcher to put around the sponge while inside of the aquarium. Lift the water and sponge out to catch the majority of debris that will come off while removing. Next, use the aquarium water and squeeze out the debris from the sponge. Discard the water and get more water from the aquarium and repeat until sponge filter is mostly free of debris. If you're only using the pre filter sponge as a mechanical filter you can also rinse it at the sink.

Reinstall the sponge and wait for a couple hours for the water to clear back up from the debris released when removing and reinstalling.

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